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  • Provide students solid support for social, emotional, and mental health coping skills to assist with an ever-changing world.  

  • Ensure guidance counselors, on staff therapists, and our teachers always have the most updated and relevant tools and access to continuing education.

  • Measure growth and progress of our students as a combination of academic achievements as well as the pride they have in themselves on learning how to be well-rounded individuals.  

  • Build on opportunities for students to gain first-hand experience through partnerships with local public & private firms.


  • Throughout my career, one of my greatest assets has been establishing a rapport with my patients, hearing their concerns, addressing their problems, and listening to their individual journeys.  

  • Residents should feel comfortable and proud to voice concerns with the individuals you have elected without any hesitation or judgment on those concerns. 

  • Increase opportunities for direct, two-way communication with your elected officials; be it through town halls, coffee chats, or meetings.  Speaking at Board meetings may be intimidating to some, and everyone deserves a chance to have their concerns & suggestions heard.

  • Increase communication and accessibility of information. Transparency is a staple for any governing body - information breeds confidence, comfort, and trust. 


  • The greatest asset our town offers is the people itself. This appeals not only to our young families, but our residents who also choose to stay after raising their own families here. 

  • Create an outreach or career development program to partner with our older residents, which would engage our students to learn about career paths, journeys taken, and prospective job connections for their future. An added benefit would be to help keep our retired residents updated on the latest programs, technology & innovations.

  • Partner with alumni who return to town to provide opportunities for our children to see different universities, careers, and other choices out there for students post graduation. There is also no better resource to provide feedback to our school district on the best aspects of an NP education, and what could use some improvement.

  • Partner with the many small businesses who have chosen to make their homes in NP with a small business expo.  Any student seeking vocational or entrepreneurial opportunities can find mentors for guidance towards their goals. 

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